Saturday, January 22, 2011


Bahla fort is the oldest in Oman, reputedly built in between 1090 and 1200. We couldn't get in to see it because it is being refurbished. It is huge compared to Jabrin and looks as if it will be fantastic to visit when it opens. It sits very high on a hill so the views would be spectacular. From Bahla we drove to the Al Hoota cave. It is supposed to be the biggest cave in the world so we were really looking forward to seeing it.
When we arrived, the receptionist was less than impressed when we didn't have a reservation. After telling us that the train into the cave was broken and we would have to walk and that the next visit would be in an hour and three quarters, she finally sold us two tickets. Then 25 minutes before our tour, a guide came over and told us to go to the cashier and get a refund because there was rain in the hills so the cave was closed. Next stop Tanuf.

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